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Anki Universal is a completely free flashcard app (no forced ads, paid models, etc.) that will help you memorize whatever you want with minimal efforts. You can add text, image, audio, and video to your cards and sync between your Windows 10 devices through OneDrive. Anki's manual is the best way to get you started. For additional resources and tips make sure to also check out the Wiki, Essential Reads, and Resources tabs at the top of the subreddit. Official support for Anki is available through the channels listed under the Official Support tab.
TL;DR: learn to conjugate Italian verbs in all tenses and all patterns (regular and irregular) in seven months with minimal daily study.
With my free deck of Anki flashcards, you can learn pretty much all of Italian conjugation patterns over seven months of short daily sessions.
Two versions exist: from English (original) or from Spanish.
This page is a brief manual to explain the design of my Anki flashcards to learn the patterns of Italian conjugation. With this deck you'll learn to conjugate in all the tenses and you'll know sixty verbs inside out, including the top fifty. Of course that's only a tiny fraction of Italian verbs, but you'll pretty much know all the patterns both for regular and for irregular verbs, which means you'll be able to conjugate new verbs without too much thought.
In my opinion, this manual is a Must-Read to get the most out of the deck. You're going to be spending months in it: you might as well spend twenty minutes to understand how to use it. If nothing else, read the sections about verbal cues and visual clues, and the guide to pace the study. But really, there's a lot more to getting the most out of it, so read all of this or be a loser.
Before we start, let me tell you where things are:
✽ Install the deck from AnkiWeb: English version (original), Spanish version (adapted by supervalino)
✽ To use it, you need to install either Ankidroid (Android), Anki Desktop (Windows | Mac | Linux), or AnkiMobile (iOS)
✽ You are encouraged to help improve the deck or fix errors on GitHub
✽ You can discuss this deck on Reddit (or leave a comment at the bottom)
✽ Bonus: table of irregular Italian past participles
✽ Bonus: amazing page about how Italian is harder than Spanish
✽ Verb tables (contributed by Hanneke): word, pdf
(direct link)
✽ Why this Deck?✽ What is in this Deck?
✽ Clear Prompts thanks to Verbal Cues and Visual Clues
✽ Clear Prompts: a Guide to Verbal Cues
✽ Clear Prompts: a Guide to Visual Clues
✽ Reverse Side: Pronunciation Hints
✽ How to Pace the Study?
✽ Small things to be aware of
✽ Filtering by tense, subject or verb
✽ Need Help: fixes, improvements, translations, ports
✽ List of the Sixty Verbs
✽ Conjugation Resources
(direct link | top)
Why this Deck?
TL;DR: Learn ALL conjugation BEFORE you even start studying Italian!
The rest of the section explains this provocative premise, but if you're short on time, this is one section you can skip (next: what's in the deck).
You may already have started studying Italian, and if so that's fine, you can still use this deck. In my case, I created the deck in response to an unusual strategy I came up with: to learn all the forms of Italian conjugation before even starting to formally study the language.
(Please don't tell me that learning conjugation is studying the language… the point here isn't to have a semantic discussion.)
There are two main components to this goal, so let's unpack this and look at the rationale for each piece.
1. Why learn conjugation BEFORE starting to study the language?
✽ At the time, I didn't have the time and mind space to earnestly start studying Italian grammar and vocab. I wasn't even sure that I wanted to.
✽ I was still intensely immersed in Spanish (well along my journey from the DELE C1 level to C2), and although I was toying with the idea of also learning Italian, I didn't want to see too much of it in order not to start messing up my Spanish. Conjugation seemed like the right amount.
✽ It seemed to me that if and when I started to study Italian, already knowing conjugation would be a huge leg up in a number of ways. For instance, looking at a text, even if you don't know a particular verb, understanding what tense and person it's conjugated in provides you with a huge signpost.
2. Why learn ALL verb conjugation patterns in one go?
✽ When I started Spanish, I read a delightful anecdote about the hardship of someone who had cultivated a conjugation blind spot. And indeed my experience showed me that you need all the tenses almost immediately: I found there was very little I could do with just a few 'basic' tenses — even simple texts for children mix everything together. If you know the present tense, right away you find that you're missing words from the imperfect; and if you know the imperfect, you find that tons of verbs use the absolute past, the future, the two subjunctives… In other words, I had come to this axiomatic conclusion:
There is no such thing as a 'basic' tense!
✽ I didn't believe in the false economy of sparing oneself the effort of learning a particular tense. If you understand the effort and commitment required to acquire a language, you know that the effort to learn one additional tense is not only marginal, it has a huge payoff in satisfaction and fluency.
✽ I didn't want my mind to nurture a hierarchy of 'easy' and 'difficult' tenses, which would doubtlessly lead me to avoid 'difficult' tenses with cumbersome circumlocutions.
To a fluent person, all tenses are equal.
✽ I had met people who had years of experience with the language and still hadn't mastered the past subjunctive or the passato remoto. It works for them because they're 'people persons' — the kind of people who use a language mostly to communicate with others. In my case, I love to read and write, I was aware that the subjunctive and passato remoto are all over the place, and I didn't want to feel crippled in the places where it mattered the most to me.
So how did that play out?
In my estimate, it worked great.
✽ Within seven months, I had learned all forms of all sixty verbs. I didn't know them perfectly, but that's what SRS flashcards are for — the software keeps showing you the ones you need to review. One year into the process, I was seeing about 25 cards a day.
✽ After those seven months, I was able to pick up a newspaper and read articles with the help of Reverso, speaking all the words I didn't know into the microphone. In a sentence, understanding the conjugation is a huge mental signpost — it's a lot easier to fill in the blanks if you understand that aspect of the phrase. I can't tell you how magical it feels to be able to decipher articles in a language you don't speak.
✽ Having said all that, for full disclosure, I still haven't formally started to study Italian! Although from reading articles, I certainly have been soaking up some basics.
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What is in this Deck?
TL;DR: if you're in a hurry, you can skip this. Other sections are more important.
Just trust that the deck has all you need. (Next: verbal and visual prompts)
About 3,000 cards and 60 verbs
The deck has 3,043 cards, most of the 60 verbs having 51 flashcards. At the bottom, you'll find a list of the sixty verbs.
What are the 51 cards for most verbs?
✽ Infinitive (one card)
✽ Gerund (one card)
✽ Past participle (one card)
✽ Present participle (one card)
✽ Present (six cards: I, you, he/she, we, plural you, they)
✽ Imperfect (six cards)
✽ Absolute past (six cards)
✽ Future (six cards)
✽ Conditional (six cards)
✽ Subjunctive present (six cards)
✽ Subjunctive past (six cards)
✽ Imperative (five cards)
Why these particular 60 verbs?
At the time I built the deck, I had two Italian grammar books on hand — one in English, one in French. The deck contains:
✽ All irregular verbs from the Big Green Book of Italian Verbs's Top-50 section.
✽ The 37 verbs at the end of Bescherelle: L'Italien Pour Tous, except for partire instead of dormire (more frequent) and attrarre instead of trarre (also more frequent).
✽ A few extras based on some lists of most-frequent verbs I looked at.
✽ A few extras in order to include some irregular conjugation patterns not covered by a verb in the above lists.
Why one card per (verb, tense, person) set, instead of a single card for the whole present tense of avere, for instance?
Primarily, because if you were to memorize conjugations in blocks, they would turn into some kinds of 'songs'. There is more: see this question in the FAQ.
Not in the deck: compound tenses
Like English, Italian uses auxiliary verbs to make compound tenses:
✽ I have eaten → ho mangiato
✽ They will have eaten → avranno mangiato
✽ She had eaten → aveva mangiato
✽ and so on (one compound form for each of the seven tenses).
In Italian, these forms are derived by tagging the past participle (above, mangiato) to the auxiliary verb avere (and in some cases essere), properly conjugated with the adequate person and one of the seven tenses.
In my experience, including these tenses in a deck of flashcards is counter-productive. In this deck, the compound tenses would roughly double the number of cards. But for the extra 2,520 cards, all you would get is a rehashing of the conjugated forms of two verbs (avere or essere) and of the sixty past participles, all of which are already included.
Once you know 'I would have' (avrei) and 'eaten' (mangiato), you know 'I would have eaten' (avrei mangiato). If you start combining verbs, where do you stop? The combinations are infinite: after 'I would have eaten', why not 'I should have eaten' (dovrebbe aver mangiato) or 'I would have liked to have eaten' (mi sarebbe piaciuto aver mangiato)? That's not material for flashcards, but for language practice.
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Clear Prompts thanks to Verbal Cues and Visual Clues
When I designed the deck, one the highest items on my list of specs was that when looking at the front of the flashcard, I didn't want to have to think about what job I was supposed to do. This means that the front of the card had to immediately convey:✽ With which person to conjugate the verb (I, he, they…)
✽ With which tense to conjugate the verb (present, future, subjunctive past…)
When learning Spanish, I had tried a number of conjugation flashcard apps that provided prompts that forced you to think. For instance:
Believe; third person of the plural; future
For me, this kind of prompt is worthless, because before translating the card to Spanish or Italian, I first have to translate the instructions Believe; third person of the plural; future into something I understand. So I never used these apps.
Verbal Cues
For this deck, I wanted crystal-clear instructions that my brain would immediately understand. In the above case, the perfect verbal prompt is simply:
This clear way of indicating which person and which tense the card should be translated to is what I'll refer from now on as a verbal cues.
Believe; third person of the plural; future
Two sections down the page, there is a guide to the deck's verbal cues.
Visual Cues
As I started working with my deck, I soon realized that verbal cues were not enough for me. There were days when I looked at a hundred or so cards in a single session, and at some stage I'd mix up verbal cues, for instance by translating a card to the wrong tense of the past. If this happened to you, you'd find it a waste of time: failing that card didn't mean you don't know the Italian translation, but that you misunderstood the instructions.
To coax myself to 'get it right' more often, I added some 'visual clues' to the cards. Here is an example of a visual clue for the future tense:
The right arrow provides a visual clue that the tense is the future.
I could have created complex clues with images, but I wanted my base file of flashcards (the file I work on before importing to Anki) to stay in a text format, so I stuck with typographical clues.
Two sections down the page, there is a guide to the deck's visual clues.
(direct link | top)
Clear Prompts: a Guide to Verbal Cues
You: singular (tu)To make it clear that a card is prompting for the singular 'you'(tu), not the plural 'you' (voi), it specifies the tu in parentheses, italicized and bolded to draw attention to it:
You (tu) used to believe
You: plural (voi)
To make it clear that a card is prompting for the plural 'you'(voi), not the singular 'you' (tu), it uses Y'all:
Infinitive (infinitivo)
A card that prompts for the infinitive form looks like this:
To know
Gerund (gerundio)
A card that prompts for the gerund form looks like this:
Past Participle (participio passato)
A card that prompts for the past participle looks like this:
To have known
Present Participle (participio presente)
To make it clear that a card is prompting for the present participle, the prompt starts with the word Which. Here is the prompt for Amante:
Present Tense (presente)
To make it clear that a card is prompting for the present tense, the prompt starts with the word Now:
Now they give
Imperfect Tense (imperfetto)
To make it clear that a card is prompting for the imperfect tense, the prompt is conjugated with used to:
Absolute Past Tense (passato remoto)
To make it clear that a card is prompting for the absolute past tense, the prompt starts with the words Right then:
Right then we spoke
Future Tense (futuro semplice)
To make it clear that a card is prompting for the future tense, the prompt is conjugated with will:
Conditional Tense (condizionale)
To make it clear that a card is prompting for the conditional tense, the prompt is conjugated with would:
Y'all would take
Present Subjunctive Mood (congiuntivo presente)
To make it clear that a card is prompting for the present subjunctive mood, the prompt is conjugated with the pattern It seems funny that [subject] should [verb]:
Past Subjunctive Mood (congiuntivo passato)
To make it clear that a card is prompting for the past subjunctive mood, the prompt is conjugated with the pattern It was good that [subject] should [verb], and the was is italicized and bolded to draw attention to it:
It was good that you (tu) should take
Imperative Voice (imperativo)
To make it clear that a card is prompting for the imperative voice, the prompt ends with an exclamation mark (!) As the case may be, the prompt may also be preceded by the words May or Let's.
Here is what the five relevant persons look like:
Choose! (tu)
May he/she choose!
Let's choose!
Choose! (voi)
May they choose!
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Clear Prompts: a Guide to Visual Clues
I kept visual clues to the 'required minimum' because more would have confused me. The visual clues pertain to four tenses.Imperfect Tense (imperfetto)
The left arrow provides a visual clue that the tense is the imperfect(imperfetto).
Absolute Past Tense(passato remoto)
The two down arrows provide a visual clue that the tense is the absolute past(passato remoto).
Future Tense(futuro semplice)
The right arrow provides a visual clue that the tense is the future(futuro semplice).
Conditional Tense(condizionale)
The ellipsis (three dots) on each side provide a visual clue that the tense is the conditional(condizionale).
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Reverse Side: Pronunciation Hints
On most Italian words, the stress falls on the syllable before the last. For conjugated verbs, this rule of thumb applies, but there are certain declinations (and certain verbs) where the stress falls on a different syllable. To make you aware of this, whenever the stress falls anywhere else but the penultimate syllable, the card indicates this by highlighting the vowel part of the syllable in bold italics.In the following example, pay attention to the i of venissero:
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How to Pace the Study?
TL;DR: Don't skip this if you want to study in a comfortable and optimal way.
Here are the study patterns I recommend if you want to complete the deck in about seven months.
1. New cards: on demand, not automatic, not random
You need to be in charge of when you start studying new verbs, as outlined below. For this reason, the number of new cards to be shown each day is set to zero. It's up to you to request new cards, as outlined below.
In the deck's options, the cards are shown in their order in the deck (not random), and that's important in order to learn one verb at a time when you see it the first time — otherwise your head will explode!
Furthermore, before adding new cards, I recommend you clear your review queue for the day. Then you add the new cards (usually an entire verb), and for that first pass you can focus on the new material without having Anki mix it with your review cards.
2. Study every day
If you don't know Anki, you only need to know one thing: unless you're willing to study every day, don't even get started — it won't work. This system relies on staying on top of your review queue, and if you skip even a day, the backlog will discourage you: you'll soon quit.
3. First month: five verbs
The first month, aim to complete the first five verbs: avere, essere, amare, credere, partire. That gives you the two auxiliary verbs and the three regular forms.
✽ Week one: Essere
✽ Week two: Avere
✽ Weeks three & four: Amare, Credere, Partire
Important for Month One: When you add cards, draw a number of new cards that corresponds to full logical units.
For instance, add all six cards of the future tense (don't split a tense in two). The first five verbs all fall into the 51-card pattern, so use the following numbers to decide how many new cards to add on a given day of the first month:
✽ first 4 cards: infinitive, gerund, past participle, present participle
✽ next 6 cards: present
✽ next 6 cards: imperfect
✽ next 6 cards: absolute past
✽ next 6 cards: future
✽ next 6 cards: conditional
✽ next 6 cards: subjunctive present
✽ next 6 cards: subjunctive past
✽ next 5 cards: imperative
4. Months Two to Seven: one verb every three days
After the first month, try to introduce a full verb every three days or so. If you have to go to four days, don't sweat it, you'll still complete the deck in about eight months.
Before adding the next verb, Thou shalt check its number of cards
IMPORTANT: before adding a verb, you MUST check how many forms it has, so that you can add the correct number of new cards.
Here are some ways to check the number of cards of the next verb:
✽ Consult the list of sixty verbs on this page.
✽ On Ankidroid, long-press the deck's name, select 'Options', tap Deck description at the bottom for the full list (scrollable).
✽ On Anki for Windows / Mac / Linux, tap the cog wheel to the right of the deck's name, select 'Options', select the 'Description' tab.
✽ I don't have the iOS version (AnkiMobile) but I'm sure it's similar.
5. A note about deck options (skip if you installed from AnkiWeb)
If you haven't downloaded the deck from AnkiWeb (in which case you would already have my set of recommended deck options for this deck), here are the options I recommend for this deck:
✽ New cards: steps = 2 15 1440 5760 14400, order = new cards in order added, new cards/day = 0, graduating interval = 30, easy interval = 4, starting ease = 250%
✽ Reviews: maximum = 200, easy bonus = 130%, interval modifier = 100%, maximum interval = 1826
✽ Lapses: steps = 15, new interval = 0%, minimum interval = 1 day, leech threshold = 0, leech action = tag only
✽ General: max answer time = 40 seconds, show answer timer
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Small things to be aware of
Here are a few things to be aware of.Present participle: an afterthought
I only added the present participle cards when preparing to upload the deck to AnkiWeb. I did that for the sake of completeness. You should probably know that for many verbs the present participle would be very rarely used.
Confusing verb pairs
The deck contains two pairs of verbs that can be a bit confusing because in each pair, the two verbs sometimes translate the same. I gave them different translations, so it's just a matter of getting used to the prompts. Since the verbs are not introduced at the same time, that shouldn't be a big problem for you.
✽ Sapere and Conoscere. The prompt for sapere is 'to know'. The prompt for conoscere is 'to be familiar with'.
✽ Porre and Mettere. The prompt for porre is 'to lay'. The prompt for mettere is 'to place'.
To Seem
Italian has two common verbs for to seem: parere and sembrare. The deck only conjugates parere — you just have to get used to seeing cards with 'to seem' as a prompt for that verb.
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Filtering by tense, subject or verb
Reluctantly but upon request, I came around to adding tags to the deck, allowing you to filter by tense (e.g. passato_remoto), subject (e.g. loro) or verb (e.g. essere).If you install the latest version to the location of your current deck, you will not lose your review data.
Altough this is not how I recommend you use the deck, you can create filtered decks using the following tags. Depending on where you use Anki (desktop, Ankidroid, OSX), please consult the manual about filtered decks.
Tags by Subject
Tags by Tense
Tags by Verb
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(link to this question | faq)Why did you decide to create a separate note for each conjugation, instead of a single card for the whole present tense of essere, for instance?
There are two reasons.
From learning to conjugate German and Spanish, what I observed is that when I used a book to review conjugations, each tense became a sort of 'song' or 'nursery rhyme'. For instance, for essere, I would end up memorizing the present tense as this 'song': Sono, sei è. Siamo, siete sono.
The result was that when I would need to produce the words 'they are', I would find myself mentally repeating that little song until getting to siete. Obviously, this is not optimal. What you want is direct, random access to conjugated verbs. This is why the deck has a card for each (verb, tense, person) set: on day two, Anki shows you the cards in random order.
A second reason is that for a whole (verb, tense) couple, you might perfectly memorize five persons but always stumble on the sixth. It's not optimal to keep getting exposed to the five items you already know just to memorize the one you keep forgetting — in fact, that's the whole point of a spaced repetition system. After a while, Anki shows you the cards in an order that matches how well you've memorized each particular conjugation.
(direct link | top)
Need Help: fixes, improvements, translations, ports
There are various ways you can help. I'd be grateful!1. Fixes
Over a year of use I've caught most little bugs, but that doesn't mean there isn't a typo or missing pronunciation hint. Please report in the comments below or on GitHub.
2. Improvements
Do you have other ideas for visual clues? For verbal cues? Other improvements you can think of?
Please send a smoke signal in the comments below or on GitHub.
3. Translations
Keeping the Italian side of the deck, it should be fairly easy to translate the deck for use by German speakers (for instance), changing only the 'prompt' side of each flashcard.
In fact this has already been done for Spanish (adaptation and translation by supervalino).
If you're interested in doing that work, that would be awesome. Please fork on GitHub and get in touch.
4. Port to More Languages (e.g. Learn German Conjugation)
This is different from Translations above: the idea is to use the format of this deck to learn conjugation in other languages. The verbs would be different because (i) the top fifty verbs probably differ, but mostly (ii) different verbs will need to serve as patterns both for regular and irregular conjugation forms.
(direct link | top)
List of the Sixty Verbs
The deck has 3,043 cards:✽ 51 cards for 56 verbs
✽ 50 cards for one verb the doesn't have a present participle (sapere)
✽ 46 cards for two verbs that don't have the imperative voice (potere, parere)
✽ 45 cards for one verb that neither has the imperative voice nor a present participle (dovere)
For reference, here is the list of the sixty verbs in the deck.
01. To have (Avere): 51 cards
02. To be (Essere): 51 cards
03. To love (Amare): 51 cards
04. To believe (Credere): 51 cards
05. To leave (Partire): 51 cards
06. To see (Vedere): 51 cards
07. To want (Volere): 51 cards
08. To do (Fare): 51 cards
09. To be able to (Potere): 46 cards
10. To know (Sapere): 50 cards
11. To have to (Dovere): 45 cards
12. To go (Andare): 51 cards
13. To be located (Stare): 51 cards
14. To say (Dire): 51 cards
15. To give (Dare): 51 cards
16. To hear (Udire): 51 cards
17. To speak (Parlare): 51 cards
18. To please (Piacere): 51 cards
19. To come (Venire): 51 cards
20. To hold (Tenere): 51 cards
21. To finish (Finire): 51 cards
22. To go out (Uscire): 51 cards
23. To take (Prendere): 51 cards
24. To choose (Scegliere): 51 cards
25. To attract (Attrarre): 51 cards
26. To lay (Porre): 51 cards
27. To drive (Condurre): 51 cards
28. To read (Leggere): 51 cards
29. To seem like (Parere): 46 cards
30. To drink (Bere): 51 cards
31. To sit (Sedere): 51 cards
32. To be worth (Valere): 51 cards
33. To remain (Rimanere): 51 cards
34. To appear (Apparire): 51 cards
35. To die (Morire): 51 cards
36. To go up (Salire): 51 cards
37. To cook (Cuocere): 51 cards
38. To turn off (Spegnere): 51 cards
39. To place (Mettere): 51 cards
40. To eat (Mangiare): 51 cards
41. To understand (Capire): 51 cards
42. To open (Aprire): 51 cards
43. To ask (Chiedere): 51 cards
44. To be familiar with (Conoscere): 51 cards
45. To lose (Perdere): 51 cards
What Is Anki App
46. To answer (Rispondere): 51 cards47. To write (Scrivere): 51 cards
48. To spend (Spendere): 51 cards
49. To live (Vivere): 51 cards
50. To break (Rompere): 51 cards
51. To run (Correre): 51 cards
52. To learn (Imparare): 51 cards
53. To remove (Togliere): 51 cards
54. To take on (Assumere): 51 cards
55. To fall (Cadere): 51 cards
56. To hurt (Dolere): 51 cards
57. To win (Vincere): 51 cards
58. To laugh (Ridere): 51 cards
59. To succeed (Riuscire): 51 cards
60. To grow (Crescere): 51 cards
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Conjugation Resources
Here are links to some online conjugators.✽
✽ Verbi Italiani
✽ Reverso (unreliable because formula-based)
That's about it for now. I hope this page gave you a good sense of how to use my Anki flashcards to master Italian conjugation.
Wishing you loads of fun on the Italian language-learning path!
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Step 02: Then we have to install it on the PC
Step 03: After installation, it requires to register with google account
Step 04: Search Anki OVERDRIVE: Fast from google play store in the Emulator and install
Anki App For Macbook Pro
Step 05: Then it is easy to use Anki OVERDRIVE: Fast in the PC environment.
Step 06: Accordingly, the emulator installation is more or less the same in the IOS Platform, it will be an awesome experience to run on Apple, too.
How to Use Anki OVERDRIVE: Fast App?
Using Anki OVERDRIVE: Fast is a matter of ease. You can operate with the touch of fingers on mobile and click with the mouse on the PC. It runs smoothly on PC for more powerful RAM. While using you might notice the awesome graphical interface and the well planned operating system of this app.
In PC, it comes with better sound, better graphics, smoother operation and faster processing speed.
Anki OVERDRIVE: Fast for PC FAQs
Anki Universal App
How can I download the Anki OVERDRIVE: Fast app on my PC?
Yes, it is possible. You just need an emulator. An android emulator runs a mobile app on PC, it uses the screen, ram, and keyboard to run on PC then. You may go for the top grade emulators like Nox, Bluestacks, MEmu, etc. These emulators will make the PC compatible with using Apps.
Can you suggest the Anki OVERDRIVE: Fast app free for use?
Anki App Pour Mac Gratuit
At present this app is free to use. You can install it both on the mobile or PC to get your task done. It is a perfect app under Entertainment. For its free usage, it has been downloaded for 100,000+. For more features, it may go for the paid version but it’s now fully free.
From where I can download the app?
It is a free app that you can download from Google Play Store. You just click on install under the App icon and get it done.
How do I download the Anki OVERDRIVE: Fast in PC?
As we discussed, you will need an Android Emulator like Nox, MEmu play, Bluestacks. We have to install the emulator first on PC, then after signing in to Gmail, we can get into the Google Playstore and then download Anki OVERDRIVE: Fast to use. This is a piece of cake to do with your PC.
Final Word
You will find some primary difficulty with installing Anki OVERDRIVE: Fast on your Windows PC, but with our guidelines, you can do it easily. All your troubles may have vanished after reading the full article and we are damn sure you can solve it now. Using a mobile app on a PC is now just a few clicks away. So, no hassle, enjoy the app.