Mail App On Mac Wont Connect My Gmail
You can easily connect any email account to the myMail app for iOS and Android.
If you're setting up an email account from your private or company's domain, you will need some additional information. Ask your network administrator or domain hosting company whether it uses Post Office Protocol (POP) or Internet Mail Access Protocol (IMAP).
Delete Gmail from your Mac using the minus button — it won’t delete anything from Gmail. Don’t let Mail check for new messages too often Google warns that if your Mail client checks for new messages more than once every 10 minutes, it might get blocked as a security precaution. Why won't my Gmail SMTP settings work? Written by Lisa Foster In Google Mail, you must allow 'less secure' apps access in order for your SMTP settings to work. Since the upgrade to Mojave 10.14.5 I have not been able to get my Mac Pro (tower) to connect to Yahoo mail via ANY mail client. Initially, I thought it was just outlook, but pale mail won’t connect either. I also have a couple of Mac Minis and had some issues but in the end, was able to get them to connect.
To connect an email account that supports POP3/IMAP:
Tap the icon of your email provider, or select OTHER if your provider isn't listed.
If your provider isn't automatically configured by the myMail client, you will instead be redirected to the settings page. Enter the following information:
Incoming Server:
Protocol: POP/IMAP
Host: follow the format, pop.domain_name/imap.domain_name
POP3 Port:
- 110 (if using SSL encryption)
- 995 (for no encryption)
IMAP Port:
- 993 (if using SSL encryption)
- 143 (for no encryption)
SSL: ON or OFF, depending on whether or not you are using SSL encryption
Outgoing Server:
Host: follow the format, smtp.domain_name
SMTP Port:
- 465 (if using SSL encryption)
- 25 (for no encryption)
SSL: ON or OFF, depending on whether or not you are using SSL encryption
Gmail seems to be the main email provider and no wonder – it is free and it has the best spam filtering and protection. But the Gmail web interface is a bit clunky so it is nice to be able to use Gmail with the built in Apple mail program. Here’s how to set up Apple mail to work with Gmail.
1. Make sure you have a Gmail account.
You need to know your Gmail address (e.g. and password because you will need to enter them into Apple mail. If you don’t have a Gmail account here is how to sign up
– Go to and click on “Sign Up”
– Fill in the details – you’ll need to pick a gmail email address and a password. After this is done you will get a verification page that says something like this at the bottom:
2. Enter your Gmail address into Apple mail.
– Open Apple mail, and go to the “Mail’ menubar at the top of the screen and then select ‘Preferences’ from the menu.
– Select the ‘Accounts’ tab. From here you can manage your mail accounts.
– Press the ‘+’ button – this means add a new account.
You will be asked which email provider – select Google.
-You will be prompted for your Google login details:.
– You will be taken back to the Apple Mail preferences screen. There are some settings you should change here.
1. Click on the mailbox behaviours tab.
If there are problems in Apple mail with Gmail this is where they seem to be caused – multiple drafts appearing, deleted emails reappearing etc. It can take a bit of trial and error getting these settings right but these settings below have been working for me for over a year so this should give you a great head start. In these drop-down menus you will find a long list of folders. Some of them are folders in your Gmail account and some of them are folders on your home computer.
Here are the settings I suggest:
My recommended settings for mailbox behaviours when using Gmail in Apple mail. Junk is the Gmail junk folder. The only local folder is ‘Drafts’.
Notes on Mailbox Behaviours
Select the local ‘On My Mac’ Drafts folder not the Gmail Drafts folder. This means that any drafts I begin to type on my home computer will not be available from my iOS devices. The other option is that you select the Gmail ‘Drafts’ folder. You should save draft messages on Gmail if you want your drafts to show when you open Gmail on the web. But the problem with this is Apple mail makes a backup copy of your draft email every few minutes as you are typing it. All these draft emails made by Apple mail will get stored in your gmail Drafts folder and you end up multiple versions of the same mail message.
You need to select the [Gmail] /Sent Mail folder because Gmail automatically keeps a copy of your sent messages and puts them in its ‘send mail folder.’ This tells Apple mail where to find those sent emails which is useful if you want to se your sent emails from different computers. You only need this option checked if your email provider doesn’t keep a copy of your sent emails automatically.
You don’t need to select a trash mailbox at all because Google automatically keeps a copy of your trashed mail. The “Trash” option is for email providers who don’t keep a copy of all your deleted emails. If you select a mailbox here Apple mail will save all your deleted items to this trash folder in case you want to undo the delete. This will result in multiple copies of all your trashed emails because Google already keeps a copy.
Mail App On Mac Wont Connect My Gmail Password
You want the Google “junk” option ticked not the local On My Mac one because Gmail automatically takes care of junk mail – you don’t want the Apple mail program deleting it. Don’t turn on the Apple junk mail filters. Gmail automatically sorts spam before it reaches your computer.
– That’s it.
– You can close the preferences window. (Click save if it prompts you to save the new settings).
– There should be some welcome messages from Gmail waiting for you in your Apple mail.
On the left-hand side of your mail app there should be a little folder called [Gmail] that looks like this:
The All Mail folder contains every mail you have sent or received and even the emails you have deleted. This is where you go if you want to find an old email that you have deleted.
The drafts folder will be empty all the time because you are not storing your draft emails on the gmail server.
Sent mail will contain all the emails you have sent.
Mail App On Mac Wont Connect My Gmail Account
Trash will be empty. All your deleted emails are kept in the All Mail folder – you don’t need another copy in the trash.