Run Php App Mac Composer

Php artisan key:generate. If you check the.env file again, you will see that it now has a long random string of characters in the APPKEY field. We now have a valid app encryption key. Create an empty database for our application. Create an empty database for your project using the database tools you prefer (My favorite is SequelPro for mac. The right IDE or code editor is more than just a tool for creating code. The code writer has access to some amazing features and tools that streamline the process of writing and debugging code so that the time spent on code production is efficiently used to produce highest quality code. I have just installed composer in my /usr/bin folder, so when from that folder I run php composer.phar I get the help info about composer. But, when I try to run the same from other folder I get Could not open input file: composer.phar. How to call php composer.phar from every where without problems?


Composer is a dependency manager for PHP. X in this cause) will be used with a new version of the ant script file. Latest working version is v1. Go Direct Hand Dynamometer can be used to measure grip and pinch strength and to perform muscle fatigue studies. Easily connect and manage UNLIMITED linux servers. Composer is a cross-platform dependency manager for PHP libraries. This article will explain how to install it on OS X and add an alias so you can use it from anywhere. Installing The first step is to download Composer, which will effectively create a Phar (PHP Archive) file called composer.phar. Php artisan key:generate. If you check the.env file again, you will see that it now has a long random string of characters in the APPKEY field. We now have a valid app encryption key. Create an empty database for our application. Create an empty database for your project using the database tools you prefer (My favorite is SequelPro for mac.

5min Read

In this article, we are going to show you how to install and use Composer on various platforms. Composer is a dependency manager for PHP. It is a simple and reliable tool that developers use to manage and integrate external packages or libraries into their PHP-based projects. This way, they don’t have to build their webpages or web applications from the ground-up.

To help you master this tool, you will also learn how to create a basic PHP project.

Before you learn how to install Composer, make sure that you have access to the command line interface on your system or server.

Install and use Composer with powerful web hosting solutions!

Installing Composer

This section will show you how to install Composer on shared hosting and operating systems like Linux, macOS, and Windows.

1. Installing Composer on Shared Hosting, Linux, or macOS

The commands to install Composer on shared hosting, Linux (PC or server), and macOS are the same.

Note that Composer comes pre-installed on Hostinger’s Premium and Business shared hosting plans. If you are using one of them, skip this part. However, if you find out that it’s outdated, you can update Composer by running this command:

Follow this instruction to know how to install Composer on your system:

  1. Connect to your hosting account using SSH connection. You can learn how to do so from this SSH tutorial.
  2. Download Composer from the official website using the following command:
  3. Verify the installer’s signature (SHA-384) to ensure that the installer file is not corrupt. Enter:

    The long string of characters in the above command (‘e0012edf…’) is the installer’s signature. It changes every time a new version of Composer comes out. Therefore, be sure to fetch the latest SHA-384 from this page.

  4. Once it’s done, you may install Composer locally or globally. Local installation means that the dependency manager will be stored in your current directory, and you have to specify the path before executing corresponding commands. Meanwhile, global installation allows you to run Composer from anywhere on your system by storing it in /usr/local/bin directory. Here is how to complete both methods:
    • Local installation:
    • Global installation:

      You will get this result:

  5. Once it’s done, remove the installer:
  6. Test the Composer installation:

    The command line will return with this result:


2. Installing Composer on Windows

Getting started with Composer on a Windows machine is a bit different. No command-line instructions are necessary for downloading and installing the software.

Simply follow these steps:

  1. Install PHP on your computer. We recommend using XAMPP for this purpose, as the process is straightforward and you can complete it in a few minutes.
  2. Once XAMPP is installed, download the latest version of Composer.
  3. Run Composer installation wizard. When it asks you to activate the developer mode, ignore it and continue with the installation process.
  4. Another window will pop up and ask you to locate the PHP command line. By default, it is in C:/xampp/php/php.exe. After specifying the location, click Next.
  5. You will be prompted with Proxy Settings. Leave the box unchecked and skip this part by hitting Next. Then, on the last window, click Install.
  6. After completing the installation, open the command prompt. Press CTRL +R, type in “cmd,” and click OK.
  7. Enter the following command:

Great job! You now have Composer installed on your Windows computer. The installer will automatically add Composer to your PATH variable. Now you can open the command prompt and run the software from anywhere.

Generating and Understanding composer.json

Now comes the interesting part — using Composer in your PHP project.

To achieve this, you need to generate a composer.json file. You can think of it as a way to lookup data from a list for Composer. This file contains packages (dependencies) that should be downloaded.

Furthermore, composer.json also checks for version compatibility with your project. This means if you are using an older package, composer.json will let you know in order to avoid future issues.

You have the option to create and update composer.json yourself. However, considering that this is a tutorial on automating redundant tasks, we don’t recommend you to create the file manually.

Let’s demonstrate the usefulness of composer.json by creating a sample project.

Our project is a simple PHP timer, which allows developers to find out how much time code takes to execute. This is highly useful for debugging and optimization purposes.

You can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new directory for the project. Since our project is a timer, we’ll simply name the folder phptimer. To do this, execute the following command:
  2. Enter the newly created directory:
  3. Find a package or library for the project. The best place to achieve that is Packagist, where you’ll find tons of libraries to help your project development. For this tutorial, we need a timer package. To get it, simply type timer in the search bar:
    As you can see, several timer packages are available and each has a name and a small description of what it does. In this example, we choose phpunit/php-timer as it has the most downloads and most GitHub stars.
  4. Specify the desired package so Composer can add it to your project:

    The output will show the version of phpunit/php-timer:

The caret (^) symbol is defined as the option for maximum interoperability. This means Composer will always update the package until a certain version breaks the package in some way.

In our case, the package update range is >=1.0.9 <2.0.0, as version 2.0.0 will break the backward compatibility. For detailed information about versioning in Composer, visit the documentation page.


After executing the above command, your project directory will have two new files — composer.json and composer.lock — and a folder named vendor. This is the directory where Composer will store all of your packages and dependencies.

Using Autoload Script

Your project is almost good to go, and the only thing left to do is load the dependency into your PHP script. And fortunately, Composer’s autoload file helps you to complete this process faster.

To use autoloading, write the following line before you declare or instantiate new variables in your script:

We’ll give you an example to help you understand better.

Let’s say we want to test our phptimer project:

  1. Open nano text editor to create a script named demo.php.

    Then, paste the following lines to your file:

  2. Run the script:

    The terminal should display an output similar to the following:

Updating Your Project Dependencies

Lastly, you have to know how to update your packages. This can be done in one of two ways:

  • Universal update. To check and install updates for all of your packages and dependencies at once, type in the following command:
  • Package-specific update. Execute this command to check the updates for one or more specific packages:

Remember to replace vendor/package with the name of the package that you want to update.

Php composer update

By running the update command, Composer also updates the composer.json and composer.lock files to match the current state of your project dependencies.


Composer helps developers in managing dependencies of PHP projects. Thanks to this software, they can easily integrate and manage open source packages in a single place.

What’s great, Composer can also resolve dependencies on a per-project basis. Thus, developers can control packages for each project and keep the project size in check.

Run Php On Mac

In this article, you have learned how to install and use Composer effectively. To summarize, let’s review all the steps once again:

Run Php App Mac Composer Tutorial

  1. Install Composer on shared hosting, Linux, macOS, or Windows system.
  2. Generate and understand the composer.json file.
  3. Use Autoload script to load dependencies into your PHP file.
  4. Update your project dependencies.

Php Composer Install

We hope that by following our guide, you have a strong foundation to create amazing projects with PHP. Good luck and feel free to ask any questions in the comment section below.