App Cleaner And Uninstaller Mac Safe

  1. Mac App Uninstaller Free
  2. App Cleaner And Uninstaller
  3. App Cleaner & Uninstaller Pro

Platform: Mac OS X Price: Free Download Page Features. Drag-and-drop app deletion; Very small footprint; Also uninstalls widgets, plug-ins, and other stragglers; You can specify apps. Yes, that’s so smooth and you can uninstall programs on Mac easily! Hence, we have got your best uninstaller apps for Mac, and even ways to remove apps from Mac. Top 11 App Uninstallers For Mac 2020 1. This amazing app cleaner for Mac helps in cleaning the Mac in just one click. A good app cleaner on Mac will help you to totally remove an app with just a few clicks giving you your much-needed memory. Is Mac App Cleaner Safe? But firstly, you would care about whether the app cleaner can be used safely on the Mac. Technically, any program is safe to use, but some third-party sites may put viruses in their programs. Best disk cleanup utility with one-click optimization to free up space.

If there is one thing that I don’t like about macOS orrather apps running on Mac is that it’s almost impossible to uninstall themproperly, without leaving some junk behind.

On the surface, adding and removing apps on Macs are easy.Most apps come in a special format: DMG (short for Disk ImaGe). When installingan app, the files from the image get copied into a folder under Applications.When removing, all you need is to delete the folder.

Easy, right? Well, if it was so, we wouldn’t need CleanMyMac or AppCleaner.

Most programs create additional files on the disk. Programs use those files to store user settings, cache frequently used data to ensure faster performance, and so on. And the files are not necessarily created in the same folder where the app is located.

So, when the user deletes the folder in Applications, the extra files remain on the disk forever. Little by little, they take out the space you need.

If you have experience with Windows, you know that in orderto delete a program you don’t need anymore, all you have to do is to go toControl Panel and uninstall it from there.

Uninstalling Without Special Software

On Macs, there are two ways to get rid of unwanted apps:

From the Finder

  1. Open the Finder
  2. Navigate to Applications folder either from the Sidebar or by using Shift+Command+A key combination
  3. Locate the app and use Command+Delete to delete the app

From the LaunchPad

  1. Start the LaunchPad
  2. Find the app
  3. Click and hold until icons start bouncing (like on iPhone)
  4. Click on x at the left of the icon to delete the app

The app is gone, but let’s see how clean the process is.

Leftover files

If you have CleanMyMac X installed, you can run Smart Scanfirst and then go to the Uninstaller tab under Applications or Maintenance(depends on version). Click on the Leftovers section, and you will see if theapp was cleanly removed.

In my case, I had 17 leftovers (apps that left files).

And this is very typical for any Mac user. The more you playwith various apps, the more you add/remove, more junk will be accumulated onthe disk.

So, what’s the solution?
If there is a need, there is a supply.

Many companies created specialized programs that scan yourdisk and make sure that apps get removed with leaving leftovers.

Here, I will review two of them: CleanMyMac and AppCleaner.


AppCleaner is a little utility with only one function: uninstallapps on Mac. It is free, but developers accept donations, so if you find theAppCleaner useful, it’s a good thing to send them some cash over PayPal.

How To Install

  1. Search AppCleaner on Google. There are many apps that have similar names (some of them trying to use AppCleaner’s reputation and promote their own products). The one you need is from FreeMacSoft.
  2. Download the app. There are multiple versions, so download the one that works for OS that you have.
  3. The download files in be in the Downloads folder in a zip format. Unzip the file.
  4. Now, you can simply double click on the to start it. But I suggest to copy it first to the Applications folder, so you can always start it later from the Spotlight Search.

To copy the file in the Finder, first, locate it in theDownloads folder, select it, use Command+C, then use Shift+Command+A keycombination to switch to Applications folder, and use Command+V to paste. Andnow, start the app.

When you start the app for the first time, macOS will show awarning that AppCleaner was downloaded from the internet and whether you aresure to install it. It’s a normal message, so you can go ahead and click Open.

However, I always suggest checking all downloads for viruses. Check out here to find out how to test for virus without antivirus.

How To Use

AppCleaner has two modes: Drag&Drop (default) and List. You can switch between two by clicking on download or hamburger icons at the top right corner of the software.

Drag And Drop Method

While Drag and Drop method seems to be easiest, I find it alittle bit tricky.

Mac App Uninstaller Free

  1. Open AppCleaner
  2. Open the Finder, find the app to delete
  3. Make sure that both Finder and AppCleaner windows are visible on the screen
  4. Drag the app from the Finder to the AppCleaner and drop it when you see a green plus

The AppCleaner will ask if you want to delete the app andthen pop-up a message that “AppCleaner wants to make changes.” Enteryour password, and click Ok. The app will be immediately moved to Trash alongwith all files that Apple usually forgets to delete.

List Method

List method is my favorite. In this mode, you will see allinstalled apps in one place, no need to fire up the Finder and search for it.You can either scroll the list or type the name in the Search Bar.

Once you find the app, click on it, and the AppCleaner will ask if you want to remove it.

CleanMyMac X

App Cleaner And Uninstaller Mac Safe

CleanMyMac is more than uninstaller. It comes with loads offunctions. Most of the functions are aimed to clean storage and boost Macperformance. Additionally, it has protection features, such as Malware Removal.

CleanMyMac is not free. There are multiple ways to get thelicense:

  • One-Year Subscription for $34.95.
  • One-Time Purchase for $89.95.
  • Setapp Subscription: $9.99 monthly.

How To Install

Download the app from MacPaw (developer) web site or use my affiliate link to download CleanMyMac X.

How To Use

First, run the Smart Scan to make sure that CleanMyMaccollected all information about your Mac.

Then, go to the Uninstaller tab under Applications.

In the All Applications section, you will see a list ofapps. Check the one you need and hit the Uninstall button.

The result is the same as with AppCleaner – clean removal.

AppCleaner vs CleanMyMac: Feature Comparison

Design and ease of use

In my opinion, CleanMyMac wins in this category. While it doesn’t have drag and drop option, it presents the information about apps in a way that easy to use.

  • You can see all apps broken down by categories: Unused, 32-bit, Leftovers.
  • Or whether the apps were installed from the Mac App Store or not.
  • Or by vendor: Apple, Microsoft, Google, etc.

If in the AppCleaner list view, the only way to find the app is by either scrolling or by typing a name in the search bar, CleanMyMac, in addition to those methods, offers sorting apps.

You can sort by name or size, ascending or descending. Sorting by size is really helpful if you need extra storage and want to know which apps are taking most space.

My favorite sections in CleanMyMac are Unused, Leftovers, and 32-bit.

Starting with macOS Catalina, Apple dropped support for 32-bit apps, so it does not make sense to have them on your Mac anymore (they won’t work). If you have Catalina and see any applications in the 32-bit section, you need to uninstall them and install 64-bit versions.

Too often, we download apps, play with them, and forget. It’s fine when you have enough space on the disk, but when the storage gets tight, check the Unused section in CleanMyMac to detect the candidates for clean up.

And finally, Leftovers is a unique feature which is not available in the AppCleaner. CleanMyMac finds all junk left after manually deleting apps, which the AppCleaner cannot do.

Uninstall Process

There are distinct differences when it comes to the uninstall process between the two programs:

  • AppCleaner moves deleted apps to Trash.
  • CleanMyMac deletes them entirely without moving to Trash.

Neither app allows changing the way they do it. So, if youprefer sending files to Trash before you finally decide to purge, then theAppCleaner is your choice.

One cool feature that the AppCleaner offers is Undo. If youdelete an app and then change your mind, you can Undo the action from the Editmenu (or use Command+Z key combination). Or you can go to Trash and use PutBack to restore.

Deleting Active Apps

Another area where CleanMyMac and AppCleaner differ isdeleting active programs. For instance, if you want to delete Google Chrome,but it is currently active (even if no tabs are currently open), then it willappear disabled in the AppCleaner. In CleanMyMac, you can choose any app, andthe uninstaller will offer to quit the app and uninstall it.

To delete the active app in the AppCleaner, you have to quitit first. Use Command+Q shortcut to close it, or Option+Command+Esc to bring upForce Quit window.

There is an interesting side effect of this feature. It is possible to uninstall CleanMyMac within CleanMyMac, but AppCleaner cannot uninstall itself. Why? Because the AppCleaner is active at that time.


Both AppCleaner and CleanMyMac provide some sort ofprotection from deleting apps accidentally.

In the AppCleaner, you can enable the Smart Delete option.When it’s On, then every time you try to delete the app from the Finder, theAppCleaner will pop up a message and offer to delete the leftover files.

In the CleanMyMac similar option is in Preferences, underMenu -> Health Monitoring, and it is called “Offer to correctlyuninstall applications”.

Which Is Better: CleanMyMac or AppCleaner

If all you need is to have a clean way to uninstall apps onMac, then AppCleaner is the best option. It is free, and it works perfectly.Additionally, it allows undoing accidentally deleted apps.

If you need a cleaning and optimization tool with an uninstaller option, then CleanMyMac is the way to go. It’s easier to use and provides tons of features. CleanMyMac is also the only option when there is a need to clean files left after deleting apps manually.

App Cleaner And Uninstaller

Want to know more? Read my in-depth review of CleanMyMac X.

App Cleaner & Uninstaller Pro

Also, check out:
Previous article: Is CleanMyMac X Safe?
Next article: MacKeeper vs CleanMyMac: Which One Is Better For You?